Thursday, July 5, 2007

really, i'm not complaining...

...ok, yes i am. forgive the whiney tone of ths blog. i am running on less sleep than is required to be operational, i believe. let's just say that wes is now adept at climbing out of the crib. and still waking up at 5 am. not a good combination. especially when you add a 2-month old to the picture.

last night. both kids down by 8. wes back up at 10 and was in and out of the crib. we've developed a total fear of him, since we never know when he'll show up. kind of freaky to parents who are used to being in control of when to get one's child up. now he just appears in my face like a ghost in the night. i feel like i wake up to every creek in condo with a vision of wes tumbling down our 2 flights of stairs. not that he can't normally go down stairs, but, you know, what if he all of a sudden becomes a nocturnal daredevil and decides to slide down the bannister or something? what is it about nighttime and irrational thoughts??? anyways, wes was back down when we went to bed, hopefully trembling with serious fear of what his parents would do to him if he climbed out again before morning.

then gwads was up at 12:30, ate, and had a hard time getting back to sleep. and then up again at 3:30 to eat. and then wes at 5, climbing on my stomach asking for orange juice and a vitamin.

let me remind you that 5am here is 4am back in dallas.

and it's supposed to rain all day today and tomorrow. so i get to spend all day inside with a little boy who is already ready for a nap at 8am and is, shall we say, not on his game, as he, too, is operating on very little sleep.

anyone know of a good night nanny? or of a fabulous tropical vacation and a wet nurse? please forward all resumes of qualified applicants.

1 comment:

Mrs. Williams said...

Oh, the joys of motherhood! I feel your pain. Go figure - when I actually can sleep, I'm up at 2:24...

Have so enjoyed keeping up with your adventures. Sounds like you may need to turn Wes' doorknob around at home and lock him in, a la Brooks Williams....
So good to know that even Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child does not fool-proof crib-climbing/continuing to sleep well. ;)
Good luck on the plane coming home and wow on the gwads -rolling over already!
Hugs and kisses to all...